for DeepLearning

Arm fracture detection in X-rays based on improved deep convolutional neural network


## ** Goal **

This paper’s goal is to propose a novel deep learning method to detect arm fracture in X-rays.

## ** Contribution **

1. New backbone network based on feature pyramid architecture

2. Image preprocessing procedure

**3. Receptive field adjustment with anchor scale reduction and tiny ROIs expansion

## ** Method **

** Backbone network**

FPN + Fast R-CNN +RPN with <u?Gaussian non-local attention module (refine integrated features)</u> Integration of features (Novel method)

** Preprocessing **

Noise removal –> Morphological method Brightening –> Cumulative distribution function

** Anchor scales reduction **

{P2; P3; P4; P5; P6} : {512; 256; 128; 64; 32}  {256; 128; 64; 32; 16} Guarantees more foreground RoIs for RPN training because GT bounding boxes are too small

** Expanding receptive field to fine tiny fracture **

Adding pixels to width and height for small ROIs (length adjustment) Extract useful info from tiny ROIs
